Why choose BGBlitz?
- a world class artificial intelligence chosen by several servers, multiple times winner of the Computer Olympiad
- easy to use
- visually stunning
- excellent learning aids to transform casual players to experts
- you can use your license on all your computers.
- runs on Mac, Windows and Linux with one license
- free updates until version 4.9

BGBlitz AI for iPhone and Android. Often requested - now available. Details.
If you want to look what others have said about BGBlitz, read their opinions here.
BGBlitz is completely internationalised.
Current languages are English, German, Dutch (Roger Troost), Italian (Alessandro Scotti and Radu-Dan Sabau), French (Radu-Dan Sabau), Spanish (José Manuel Solis Preisser), Danish (Søren Pingel Daalsgard), Hebrew (Shahar Tal), Swedish (Peter Nevalainen), Turkish (Özgür Albayrak), Catalan (Xavier Blanquer), Chinese (Angelita Li), Polish (Miroslaw Golda), Japanese (Katsutoshi Seki), Russian (Oleg Timshin), Esperanto (Hans-Jürgen Schäfer) and Czech (Jan Vodolan). Further help and suggestions are welcome.